When the sphincter between the esopahgus and stomach is under stress and not functioning properly, stomach acid can splash back into the esophagus harming the tender tissue that is not meant to come into contact with stomach acid. Symptoms of this disorder can include burping, regurgitation of food, heartburn and bloating after eating. Many have a hard time swallowing and feel pressure in the throat. Constipation, poor eating habits, fried food, fast food, and too much dairy can create this improper response by the body. Many medications and antacids can also aggravate this condition. It is crucial to resolve this issue quickly so that it does not progress to a more serious illness.
Therapeutic Foods and Beverages
• Food should contain plenty of fiber, but be low in roughage. Vegetables should be lightly steamed or sautéed. Eat smaller, more frequent meals. Organic pesticide-free foods are best!
• Whole grains, such as basmati rice, quinoa, barley, wild rice, oats, and sprouted mixed grain bread.
• Fresh mixed vegetable juice such as carrot, apple, beet, cabbage, ginger.
• Vegetables such as sprouts, leafy greens – kale, chard, artichokes, asparagus.
• Seeds and nut butters - sesame (tahini), sunflower, almond. (Avoid seeds and nuts in whole form. They can get stuck in a sensitive area of the gut and cause great pain.)
• Legumes - lentils, azuki, black bean, and split pea.
• Fowl or meats, raised organically - chicken, turkey, duck, beef, lamb. Limit to a couple times per week.
• Fish (ocean-caught) - wild salmon, halibut, sardines, herring, and albacore tuna.
• High omega-3 eggs (poached or soft-boiled) contain DHA, Vitamin E, and B12.
• Fruits (without skins). Yellow-orange fruits - peaches, pears, and cantaloupe. Berries without seeds - blueberry.
• Cultured foods - yogurt and kefir.
Limit these foods and beverages
• Glutinous foods.
• Dairy - milk and milk products.
• Alcohol (especially yeasty beer), caffeinated and decaf drinks - coffee, soda pop.
• Avoid pork.
• Raw vegetables, head lettuce.